React Widget

Have a look here

HTML Widget

Replace line 9 strings properties with your own localization.

	let w;
  (function (d, s, id) {
    const props = {
      projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID",
      pageName: window.location.href,
      identifier: 'anonymous',
      onClose: () => { w = null }, 
			strings: {
			  anotherFeedback: "Send another feedback",
			  askTitle: "Give Feedback !",
			  conclusionSubtitle: "Your feedback has been received!",
			  conclusionTitle: "Thank you!",
			  feedbackTypes: {
			    BUG: "Bug",
			    FEATURE: "Feature",
			    OTHER: "Other",
			  poweredBy: "Powered by ",
			  send: "Send!",
			  textareaPlaceholders: {
			    BUG: "I have an issue with ...",
			    DEFAULT: "I really ...",
			    FEATURE: "It would be nice ...",
			    OTHER: "I have a suggestion for ...",
			  userIdentificationInputPlaceholder: "Email (optional)",
    var e,t=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t),e.onload=function(){window.onload=()=> {
    const t=document.getElementById("feedback-farm");t.onclick=function(e){
  })(document, 'script', 'feedback-farm-js');

<!-- HTML Button that will trigger the widget -->
<button id="feedback-farm">Give feedback</button>